Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Crosswolds Chapter 1

“What in the seven spiral galaxies is going on here?

This wasn’t the first time Jazz had asked himself that question, nor would it probably be the last. Moments ago he had been with Prime and the other Autobots, escorting Sam and Bumblebee as they tried to protect the Allspark, the next minute he was here, on an abandoned highway.

Suddenly Jazz heard a police siren go off behind him. “Just what I needed” he thought as he pulled over and created a hologram for a driver. Instead of getting out of the car, the officer just smiled. That was when Jazz saw the company logo on the grill of the police car.

Jazz peeled out of the shoulder, trying to get away, but the cop car was right behind him. As it approached, thrusters on its undercarriage ignited, sending the car into the air and over him. As it flew, the car began to transform.

Barricade landed in front of him, causing Jazz to slam on the breaks and skid to a stop. Jazz quickly transformed and prepared for battle.

“Where is Ladiesman217?”


“Where is Samuel Witwicky?”

“I was wondering that myself.”

Barricade opened fire, but Jazz managed to block the bullets with his shield. He wasn’t able to block a powerful punch from that sent him flying. Barricade followed it up with several more punches. He punched the fallen Autobot in the torso plate and stared down at him.

“It is useless to resist Autobot. The Decepticons will retrieve the Allspark and rule the universe. Tell me what I want to know, and I will make your death quick.”
“Thanks, but I’m not shutting down yet.”

Quickly Jazz drew his sword and slashed Barricade across the face, blinding the Decepticon. He rolled to his feet and opened fire, driving Barricade back. Jazz moved towards his foe, preparing to strike the fatal blow, when the ground beneath him started to shake. Dirt flew into the air as Scorponok arose between them. Jazz took a step back, shielding his optics from the sand.

As the dust settled, Barricade laughed. “Any hope you had of beating me is gone Autobot. The odds are against you. Surrender and die!”

“I think it’s surrender or die.” Jazz said, firing at the ground between him the Decepticon. Dirt filled the air as he quickly transformed and drove away. By the time the dirt settled, Jazz was to far away for them to catch up. Scorpinok prepared to follow, but Barricade stopped him.

“We will destroy him soon enough. For now we must find the other Decepticons. Then the Autobots will die, and the Allspark will finally be ours.”